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Corporate and Commercial


Whilst the firm is a specialised niche practice, it is fundamentally a commercial law practice and accordingly we provide a wide range of conventional corporate and commercial legal services and solutions to our clients.Our pragmatic and business-centric approach aims to ensure that whilst clients are fully appraised of the legal risks relevant to a particular transaction, they (or the transaction) are not hamstrung by commercially unsound legal issues which can threaten to disrupt a transaction or relationship. 
We have been involved in numerous public private partnerships and PPP-aligned projects, private equity and structured finance transactions, many of which in recent times included the establishment and implementation of black empowerment structures.

Our Corporate and commercial services in this regard include:

  • Advice on legal aspects of corporate structuring, take-overs, mergers and acquisitions;

  • Conducting legal due diligences in conjunction with the financial team and industry specific experts, assisting clients to identify transaction risks and implementation requirements.  (Read more about our due diligence services);

  • Drafting and negotiating:-

    • Shareholders Agreements;

    • Sale of Business and Sale of Shares Agreements;

    • Subscription Agreements;

    • Partnership, Joint Venture, Collaboration, Teaming and similar such agreements;

    • Leases;

    • Memoranda of Understanding and Heads of Agreement;

    • Cessions of Book Debts, Shares, Copyright and other rights;

    • Pledges;

    • Notarial Bonds;

    • Limited Recourse Finance Agreements; and

    • Miscellaneous commercial agreements.